Monday, February 28, 2005


So update on yesterdae life.So i decided to go to competition silat training at jln besar CC with Firdaus.There i met halim who also same as me first time after so long.So the three of us was like panicking heart thumbing.The training whoa super vigorous sah aiyah now i knew i really need to work it out.Ahahaaha i even had a couple of unfortunate events such dat i fall down the stairs and follow by stepping on a some sort of a needle and then i injured my leg while being ask by Abg Sheik to demonstrate to the class. Firdaus yest was like super blur after being taken down by a junior member.HE was shocked cos it was the first for him to be taken down 360 to the ground landing head first.So he was in dazed and he keep saying dat everytime he done it to pple now he been done with.Since then i like okay dis is it i gonna get really work out and gonna be the toughest,fastest, and capable silat practitioner in grasio.

After dat me, fazli,coco,razali and firdaus went down to beach road for a meal.Really enjoy it and really enjoy the Mango freeze fir has brought.Then i proceed to city hall to actually get a plain black t-shirt i been wanting but out of stock.So ended up going home buying nothin.

Okay so todae is the result of the O's level Hope my frend who i knew takin it pass the paper and JOIN TP ahahahahah.Aliff is one guy i need to find out emmm Fera is another cos she keep saying she dream dat she fail and WAti also who predict she fail and my other frends.So GOOD LUCK AHHhhhh.Hope it be a good new u give me.

Signing OUt................


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